Montego Classic  |  SKU: 6009686620681

Montego Classic Dog Food Small Breed Puppy Dry Dog Food

★★★★★ (4)
R 721.95 R 773.90


Joining a new home can sometimes be daunting for puppies. Welcome them home with the best and tastiest food in South Africa. Montego's Classic Puppy food is delicious and it provides puppies with the right ingredients and nutrients that they'll need to grow big, strong and confident. Buy in bulk quantities so that you never have to worry about running out. | | * Provides a balanced, wholesome and easily digestible diet that puppies need while growing | * Created with smaller kibble for small to medium breed puppies | * Made up of 26.5% Protein for strong bones | * Provides the Calcium & Phosphorus to help develop and maintain the growing skeletal systems of large breed puppies | * Reduced fat for growth & weight control | * Contains Omega 6 & 3 for a healthy skin & coat

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