Back Garden Birding 101 – How to Make the Most of Your Patch

Two garden birds enjoy a splash in a bird bath.

Vannessa le Roux |

Could there be anything more satisfying than sitting in patient silence on a lovely morning enjoying a little birding?  Surely not.  Bird watching is a worldwide phenomenon done recreationally by hobbyists and citizen scientists; and done professionally by ornithologists.  Or, by those of us who like nothing more than sitting in our gardens or even on our flat balconies observing nature trip the light fantastic across the skies to its own beautiful song.

Making the Most of Your Patch

From a small balcony to several acres, having your own patch to bird watch is a privilege for the soul. And if your back garden is wetlands or by the ocean, you are doubly blessed and can enjoy seasonal, migratory or pelagic birding up close. Oh, but we can all dream…. Let’s get back to the back garden and the patch that’s all one’s own.

Ready for Some Bird Therapy Gadgets?

You’re got your best bev, you’re comfy in your chair, you’re amped to see your feathered pals, what could be more perfect?  Gadgets!  Modern tech has filtered its way into birding and has done nothing but improve the art and science thereof.  Long-time companion, the binoculars, are still integral.  Although some brands have developed binoculars specifically for birding, a pair of cheapies will do the trick in your back garden.  8x binoculars will give you a bit of an edge as they have a wider FOV and they focus slightly quicker.

The Audubon Bird Guide app is essential because you never know which mystery birdies will swing by your place looking for a little seed or suet action.  Don’t stint, invest in an electronic insect repellent, this way you can give those pesky mozzies a run for their money while leaving the insects unharmed for the birds to scarf. 

For audio-visual equipment, for the back garden birder, a smartphone is adequate to capture the birds’ plumage and melody.  (Of course, there’s nothing stopping you from whipping out your Nikon Coolpix P1000 Point and Shoot or your Canon EOS 5D Mark IV Full Frame DSLR camera.)  Now you are ready to engage in therapeutic bird watching. 

The Seriousness of it All

Never underestimate the seriousness of birding.  There are elusive birds to track.  Then there’s the chase – province, country and international sighting lists to be ticked off.  Ecotourist adventurers to be embarked upon, pelagic birding to be done and scientific discoveries to be made.  Not to mention the seemingly endless, although fortunately decreasing in size and cost, birding tech.  We wouldn’t dream of it!  But it should be said that a happy birder is a back garden birder first and foremost.  After all, it’s the day-to-day joy they bring to our lives that stands out the most.

Now that we’ve established a few seriously fun facts, let’s take a look at how to make the most of your patch and fill it with feather and flight.  First up:

Suet, Seeds & Seed Bells – Back Garden Birding 101

Suet is very nutritionally beneficial for garden and wild birds and can be offered year-round.  It’s enormously popular with them and it will attract many varieties to your garden.  It comes in several flavours, sizes and combinations.  There’s the Suet 8 Ball Bucket range, 1.5kg, that offers berry, peanut, veggie, wormy and super seedy suet flavours.  And for the adventurous birds there is also chilli flavour.  All that’s needed next is a suet feeder.  Hang them up high, away from cats and other predators. 

Bird feed for wild and garden birds is always a favourite with the birds we love to watch.  Fill up your bird feeders or buy new ones to spruce up the garden.  Word will travel through the bird community and your new friends will quickly catch on that there’s food to be had in your garden.  Round out the smorgasbord with some fruit like oranges, berries or apples.  Try a Westermans Wild Bird Seed Bell and don’t forget the mealworms!

Dipping, Chicks & Identity Cred

Most self-respecting South African birds will appreciate a flutter, dip and drink in a bird bath.  So even if you need to get creative and re-purpose the dog’s plastic pool, go for it and bring to life a magical tableau.  Hang some charming nests and watch the baby birds grow up in your garden.  What could be more heart-warming than observing the fam find their way through the trees and shrubs and across the lawn?  Plus, there’s a good chance these birds will return to nest next year. 

Even more entertaining is to identify which birds are visiting you.  It’s possible to name almost every bird that comes your way. (10 000 types of birds in the world have been identified.)  Simply focus on their size, wing shape when flying, body shape, colours, markings, beak shape and feet. 

You’re probably well acquainted with the regulars in your garden but can you recognize them by their vocalisations alone?  Sound information can determine whether they are female or male, their whereabouts and identification.  Next time you’re out in the garden, close your eyes and listen closely.  How many of your feathered friends can you identify?

The Show: The Grand Finale

Sit quietly and wait for the Cape Canary or a Swee Waxbill (put out some finch food).  Get ready for the potential appearance of a Klaas’s Cuckoo – it has very interesting breeding habits.  You probably won’t have to wait for very long for a Cape Sparrow to drop round (bound to be one of your first visitors).  Not so welcome but sure to stop by and check things out will be the Butcher Bird.

Keep an eye out for a Red-faced Mousebird – gardens form part of their natural habitat.  If it’s between September and early May, you could well see a Barn Swallow.  These prolific and inventive birds build nests on sheltered vertical walls, you guessed it, just like barns.  Or perhaps you have your peepers peeled for a Southern Double-Collared Sunbird.  The male is a magnificent sight to behold while the female is elegant in her understated greyish-brown with faint yellow tinged underparts. 

Of course, a variety of doves and pigeons will assuredly be in on the scene; perhaps you’ll spot a Laughing Dove.  Did you know they range as far as India and Australia?  During mating season be sure to look out for a Southern Masked Weaver, during this period only, the male sports bright yellow feathers to attract the females.  Perhaps one of the most beautiful garden birds is the Glossy Starling, get out the binocs for an up close and personal.  Perched on the treetops, clad in grey plumage, is the Go-Away Bird.  Still also known by its former name the Grey Lourie.

South Africa is blessed with about 850 recorded bird species.  What’s more, 50 species are only found in South Africa which means our country boasts a multitude of varied and unique birds.  If you’re game to venture further than your back garden, you will be well rewarded.  Here’s a list of top birding hotspots in Southern Africa.

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