The Cat Whiskerer: The Tale of the Tail

The Cat Whiskerer: The Tale of the Tail

Petworld |

Don’t know a reputable cat whisperer? Not to worry we’ve got you covered!

I’m sure we can agree that every cat parent has pondered what wild thoughts must go through their furry feline’s mind. You might be surprised at just how much they let on behind their nonchalant cattitude. In fact, cats don’t even have to talk much to tell you what they’re feeling.

Have you ever considered the pawssibility that their tails serve another purpose other than merely keeping the kitties balanced or postured? Purrhaps there is more to this wavering wonder of a tail that allows us to understand our cats simply by considering the position the tail.

Ready for the cat to be let out the bag?

Position: High

This is an expression that your cat is feeling confident and content in their own territory. You can also rest assured that they are showing signs of happiness and willingness to be friendly. Sometimes the very end of their tail may shudder if they are feeling ecstatic in the moment.

Position:  The Question Mark

In a playful mood? Your cat is. Now's a great time to get out your laser and ball of wool.  A raised curved tail in the shape of a question mark is an easily noticeable indication that your cat needs some play time. This is also a great opportunity for you to unwind and enjoy some time with your little furend.

Position: Low

Back off! This kitty cat is not is not in the mood for fun and games. A low tail positioned straight down can signal aggression or a serious mood. It should be noted that certain breeds, such as Persians, tend to carry their tails low for no apparent reason.

Position: Missing in Action

A tail tucked away beneath the body signals fear or submission. Something has spooked Mr. Whiskers!

Position: Puffed up

A tail resembling that of a bottlebrush suggests your cat is agitated and frightened. It is a means of intimidating to ward off danger.

Position: The Whip

A tail which whips back and forth in quick and swift motion is an indication of fear and aggression. This is a clear warning to stay away.

Position: The Swoosh

If your cat's tail is moving side to side slowly it usually means they are focused on something. You might have noticed this right before a strategised pounce.

These are but few of the most common tell-tail signs. Stay vigilant the next time you find yourself in the company of cats, you might surprise yourself just how much you can deduce from what you have learned about the mysteries of the cat tail.

Congratulations you are officially a cat whiskerer.