The Ultimate Pet Poisoning Survival Guide: How to Keep Your Dog, Cat, and Bunny from Their Own Bad Decisions!

A dog near spilled pills, a cat reaching for a plant, and a bunny nibbling a cord—common pet hazards highlighting the need for pet-proofing and safety

Vannessa le Roux |

Welcome to the Danger Zone (a.k.a. Your Home)

Alright, pet parents, it’s time for an intervention. Not for you—for your furry, four-legged, (or long-eared) little chaos machines.

You see, while you’re sitting there thinking, "My home is safe. My pets are fine. Everything is under control," let me hit you with some truth: your house is a booby-trapped jungle of hidden dangers. An obstacle course of toxins. A minefield of terrible pet choices waiting to happen.

Still don’t believe me?

That chocolate bar you left on the counter? Your dog is two seconds away from inhaling it.
That bottle of paracetamol on the nightstand? Your cat is currently knocking it onto the floor.
That random houseplant in the corner? Your bunny has already taste-tested it.

This isn’t a joke. It’s a survival mission. And right now, you’re underprepared.

But don’t panic—yet. Take a deep breath, sip your coffee (which, by the way, is also toxic to pets), and round up the usual suspects. If your dog is missing, check the trash. If your cat is missing, check the top of the fridge. If your bunny is missing, check behind the couch, in a box, or inside something you really don’t want chewed.

You ready? Good. Because by the time you finish reading this, you’ll be a fully trained Pet Safety Survivalist™, armed with the knowledge to prevent accidental pet poisoning, pet-proof your home, and recognise the signs of trouble before it’s too late.

This is your mission. Let’s go.

Level One: The Common Household Poisons Trying to Take Your Pets Down

Your home may seem like a safe haven, but let’s be real—it’s basically a death trap in disguise. Every room contains something potentially toxic, and if you think your pet will just "know better," then, my friend, you have clearly never owned a dog.
Or a cat.
Or a bunny.
Or anything that breathes and lacks self-preservation instincts.

Common Causes: The most common causes of pet poisoning include over-the-counter medications, human food (especially chocolate and xylitol), prescription medications, and plants.

Household Risks: Almost all of pet poisonings occur in the home, highlighting the importance of pet-proofing.

Garden Risks: Plants like lilies and early bloomers such as tulips and daffodils are toxic to pets

Universal Poisons for All Pets Typically Found in the House

These are the biggest offenders, the things that can poison your pet no matter what species they are. If you have any of these lying around, now is the time to move them to higher ground, lock them away, or just get rid of them entirely.

Human Medications

This includes painkillers like paracetamol (Panadol) and ibuprofen, antidepressants, and prescription drugs. Even a single pill can be deadly. Pets metabolise medications differently than humans, and what relieves your headache can shut down their liver or kidneys.

👉 Your dog won’t "walk it off," and your cat won’t "sleep it off." Store all medications in locked cabinets, not on nightstands or counters where curious paws can reach them.

Cleaning Products

Bleach, ammonia, and disinfectants can cause chemical burns, breathing issues, and organ damage if ingested or inhaled. Even walking across a freshly cleaned floor and licking their paws afterward can be harmful.

👉 If it smells strong enough to make your eyes water, imagine what it does to a pet who licks everything. Use pet-safe cleaners where possible, and always rinse surfaces well.

Rodenticides and Insecticides

Rodant poison, slug bait, and pesticide sprays are designed to kill—and they don’t care what animal eats them. Some rodenticides cause internal bleeding, seizures, or fatal kidney failure.

👉 If it’s toxic enough to kill a rodent, it’s toxic enough to kill your pet. Opt for pet-safe pest control, and keep traps and poisons well out of reach.

Paints & Solvents

Many contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and heavy metals, which can cause neurological damage, vomiting, and respiratory distress if inhaled or ingested. Even dried paint chips from old walls may contain lead, making them hazardous if chewed.

👉 If your dog starts channelling Picasso by licking the wall, it’s time for a vet visit. Keep pets away from freshly painted areas and always use pet-safe, non-toxic paint.

Glue & Adhesives

Some, like polyurethane-based glues, expand when ingested, creating a solid mass in the stomach that often requires emergency surgery.

👉 A little spilled glue might not seem like a big deal—until it turns into a rock-hard stomach blockage. Keep all adhesives locked away, and clean up spills immediately.


If chewed, batteries can leak acid, causing severe burns to the mouth, throat, and digestive tract. Button batteries are even worse—when swallowed, they can create an electrical current, causing tissue damage.

👉 Your pet isn’t testing out a new 'chew-proof' challenge. Keep all batteries out of reach, and if you suspect one has been swallowed, get to the vet immediately.

Lead & Heavy Metals

Found in old paint, batteries, plumbing, and even some imported toys, lead poisoning can cause seizures, vomiting, anaemia, and permanent neurological damage.

👉 If your pet is chewing on something "vintage," it might be time to check if it’s lead-based. Be cautious with old homes, antiques, and second-hand pet toys.

Pool Chemicals

Chlorine and other pool sanitisers can cause severe burns to the mouth and oesophagus if ingested, and even swimming in over-chlorinated water can lead to skin irritation and breathing issues.

👉 Your pet’s idea of "taking a sip" from the pool isn’t the same as yours. Always store pool chemicals securely and keep fresh water available to prevent drinking from the pool.

Liquid Potpourri

Contains essential oils and cationic detergents, which can cause severe oral burns, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. Cats are especially sensitive.

👉 It might make your house smell like a spa, but to your pet, it’s a one-way ticket to the vet. Keep diffusers and scented oils far out of reach.

Take a quick pause. Go check what’s lying around your house. I’ll wait.

Back? Good. Let’s investigate what’s happening in your garden.

Universal Poisons for All Pets Typically Found in the Garden

Common Poisonous Plants in South Africa: Hidden Dangers in Your Garden

Your garden may look like paradise, but for your pets, it could be a toxic buffet waiting to happen. Here are some common plants found in South Africa that are highly poisonous to dogs, cats, and rabbits—and what happens if they decide to take a bite.

Chrysanthemum – Pretty but dangerous. Contains pyrethrin, which can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, drooling, and loss of appetite.

Daffodils – A springtime favourite, but for pets, it’s trouble. The toxins lycorine and glycosides can trigger severe diarrhoea, tremors, vomiting, and seizures (especially in cats and birds).

Oleander – One of the deadliest garden plants for pets. Packed with cardiac glycosides, it can cause heart problems, tremors, seizures, or even death.

Cycads – These ancient plants contain cycasin, which leads to liver failure, vomiting, diarrhoea, and lethargy.

Syringa – More than just an ornamental tree—this one’s packed with meliatoxins, which can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, and seizures.

Tulips – Beautiful but deadly. Tulipalin and tuliposide make this a major hazard, leading to vomiting, diarrhoea, and respiratory issues.

Euphorbias – Their milky sap contains diterpene esters, which cause severe oral and gastrointestinal irritation and vomiting.

What to Do?

If you catch your pet nibbling on any of these plants, don’t wait—call your vet immediately. Better yet, pet-proof your garden before it becomes a problem.

Fertilisers and Pets: What Every Pet Owner Should Know

While fertilisers themselves are generally not toxic unless they contain additional chemicals, some can pose risks if they include additives like pesticides or herbicides. However, typical fertilisers contain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K), which are not harmful unless ingested in large quantities.

Pesticides and Pets: A Toxic Mix You Need to Avoid

Pesticides are more likely to pose a risk to pets. Here are some common ones:

Pyrethroids: The Sneaky Household Assassin Hiding in Your Bug Spray

Pyrethroids—fancy name, nasty effects. Found in insecticides, flea treatments, and lawn care products, these chemicals kill bugs but can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, tremors, or seizures in pets. Cats are especially vulnerable to permethrin. Bottom line? Store insecticides safely, bug-proof responsibly, and never, ever use a dog flea treatment on a cat!

Neonicotinoids: The Silent Threat Lurking in Pest Control

Neonicotinoids, with imidacloprid as the main culprit, are powerful insecticides used in farming, seed treatments, and pest control. They soak into plants, making crops toxic to insects—but also to pets. Ingestion or absorption can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, seizures, or worse. While great for crops, they’re dangerous for pets that munch on grass, dig in treated soil, or sniff where they shouldn’t. Bottom line? If you use these chemicals, don’t let your pet turn your garden into a pesticide-laced salad bar.

Organophosphates: The Pesticide That Should Never Meet Your Pet

If pet poisons had a Most Wanted list, organophosphates would top it. Used in farming, vet medicine, and illegal pest control, these chemicals—including malathion and diazinon—are lethal to pets. Ingestion, inhalation, or skin contact can cause vomiting, seizures, or respiratory failure. Worse, they’re often sold illegally. Spot an unlabelled “super-effective” pesticide? Run. Keep pests out safely, and never let pets near treated areas.

Herbicides: The Weed Killers That Might Do More Than Kill Weeds

Herbicides kill weeds but can also harm pets. Glyphosate is low risk, but if your pet licks freshly sprayed grass, expect vomiting, diarrhoea, and regret. Worse, 2,4-D and dicamba can cause nervous system damage. Used in farming, gardens, and public spaces, these chemicals linger where pets walk, sniff, and roll. If using herbicides, keep pets off treated areas and rinse paws after outdoor adventures—because prevention is always cheaper than a vet bill.

Indaziflam: The Lawn Treatment That’s Not So Pet-Friendly

Indaziflam stops weeds but poses a risk to pets—especially dogs. Used in lawns, parks, farms, and golf courses, it soaks into the soil, making exposure unavoidable. Chronic contact has been linked to nervous system damage, and a post-walk paw-lick could mean poisoning. Keep pets off treated areas until fully dry—or better yet, use pet-safe alternatives. No one wants to explain to their vet that their dog got poisoned just by walking on grass.

Your Garden: Paradise or Poison? How to Keep It Safe for Your Pets

Your backyard may look like a pet’s paradise, but beneath the green grass and blooming flowers lurk some serious hazards. Between toxic plants, sneaky pesticides, and herbicides that make the grass itself dangerous, your garden could be setting your pets up for an unexpected vet visit. Sure, that bug-free lawn looks great, but if the price is vomiting, seizures, or organ failure, it’s time to rethink what’s really growing out there.

The good news? You don’t have to choose between a beautiful garden and a safe pet. Swap out toxic chemicals for pet-safe alternatives, research every plant before bringing it home, and for the love of all things furry, don’t let your pets treat freshly sprayed areas like a salad bar. Your pets don’t know any better—but you do. So take charge, audit your garden, and ensure your pet’s next outside adventure is safe, fun, and poison-free.

Let’s move on to the species-specific hazards—because, let’s be honest, each type of pet has its own special way of getting into trouble.

Level Two: Species-Specific Dangers – Because Every Pet Has Their Own Special Way of Risking Their Life

Dogs: The “I Eat First, Ask Questions Never” Crew

Dogs believe anything is edible. It is not.

Chocolate – Theobromine is toxic to dogs. The darker the chocolate, the worse it is. No, they cannot have "just a little."

Grapes, Raisins, Currants, and Sultanas – Can cause kidney failure, even in tiny amounts.

Onions and Garlic – Destroy red blood cells, leading to anaemia.

Macadamia Nuts – Cause vomiting, tremors, and overheating.

Hops (used in brewing beer) – Leads to life-threatening overheating.

Xylitol (sugar substitute) – Leads to life-threatening complications, even death.

Avocado – Contains Persin, which dogs cannot metabolise.

Mouldy or Spoiled Food – Toxic mould and bacteria can cause serious poisoning.

If your dog is licking their lips suspiciously? Act now.

Cats: The “It Looks Harmless, So I’ll Eat It” Specialists

Cats think they’re too smart for poisoning. They are not.

Lilies – One of the most toxic plants for cats. Even licking the pollen can cause kidney failure.

Paracetamol (Panada) – One pill can kill a cat.

Benzalkonium Chloride (found in cleaning products) – Causes mouth ulcers and fever.

Permethrin (found in dog flea treatments) – Fatal to cats. Never use it.

Pyrethroid Insecticides – Found in bug sprays, these can cause seizures and tremors.

If your cat looks too innocent? Something’s wrong.

Bunnies: The “If It Exists, I Will Chew It” Brigade

Rabbits chew everything. Sometimes, they chew the wrong things.

Ivy (Hedera helix) – Causes vomiting, diarrhoea, and hypersalivation.

Toxic Plants – Azaleas, cyclamen, mistletoe, and St. John’s Wort are all dangerous.

Fipronil (found in insecticides) – Extremely toxic to rabbits.

Avocado – Contains Persin, which bunnies cannot metabolize.

High-fat foods – Rabbits cannot digest fatty foods, leading to serious digestive issues.

If your bunny is suspiciously quiet, assume they are chewing something important.

What to Do If You Think Your Pet Has Ingested Poison

When it comes to pet poisoning, every second counts. Staying calm and acting fast can mean the difference between a close call and a serious emergency. Here’s what to do if you suspect your pet has gotten into something toxic.

Step 1 Keep Your Cool (Your Pet Needs You to Think Clearly!) - Panic helps no one—especially your pet. Stay calm so you can make smart, quick decisions and keep your pet as relaxed as possible.

Step 2 Identify the Culprit - Check for clues—wrappers, packaging, chewed-up bottles, or spilled substances. The more details you have, the better your vet can help.

Step 3 Remove the Danger - If the toxin is still within reach, secure it immediately to prevent further exposure. This isn’t the time for "just one more lick."

Step 4 Call the Vet—Immediately! Time is critical. Contact your vet or an emergency veterinary clinic right away. Be ready to provide:

• What your pet ate (substance name, brand, or active ingredients)
• How much they ingested (even a guess helps)
• When it happened

Step 5 Follow the Vet’s Orders—No DIY Heroics! Your vet may ask you to bring your pet in or give first aid at home.

Step 6 Get Your Pet to the Vet—Safely & Quickly If the vet says, “Come in,” get moving.

• Use a secure carrier for cats and small pets.
• Keep dogs leashed and restrained.
• If your pet is unresponsive or having seizures, bring someone to assist you.

Step 7 Bring the Evidence - Grab anything that might help—packaging, labels, or even a sample of the substance. The more details your vet has, the faster they can treat your pet.

What Not to Do: Skip the DIY Fixes!

This isn’t the time for guesswork. Never give home remedies without a vet’s approval—some can make things worse. Always call a professional first. Do not waste time searching online for home remedies—your vet is the expert here. Never induce vomiting unless specifically instructed—in some cases, this can make things worse.

Final Thought: Every Minute Counts! If you even suspect poisoning, don’t "wait and see." Trust your instincts, act fast, and get help immediately. Your pet depends on you.

Final Mission: You Are Now a Fully Trained Pet Safety Survivalist™

Congratulations, brave pet guardian. You’ve made it through the ultimate survival guide—and, hopefully, your dog hasn’t swallowed something questionable, your cat hasn’t knocked over anything toxic, and your rabbit hasn’t chewed through something expensive and essential while you were reading.

Let’s take a moment to check in on your team of professional chaos-makers:

• Dog: Hopefully still alive, still hungry, and still pretending they weren’t in the trash.
• Cat: Probably plotting revenge for being prevented from chewing on something deadly.
• Rabbit: No longer gnawing through electrical wires… for now.

Now, let’s rewind for a second.

At the start of this guide, I told you that your home was a booby-trapped jungle of pet hazards, an obstacle course of bad decisions waiting to happen. And maybe, just maybe, you thought, "That’s a little dramatic."

But now? Now you know better.

That chocolate bar left on the counter?
That open bottle of Panada on the nightstand?
That innocent-looking plant in the corner?

They aren’t just minor oversights—they’re the difference between a happy, tail-wagging pet and an emergency vet bill you weren’t planning on. And the reality? Your pets don’t know better. They don’t read warning labels. They don’t Google "Is this safe for me?" before shoving something in their mouths.

That’s your job.

And now, armed with your elite-level pet-proofing knowledge, you are no longer just a pet owner. You are their guardian, their last line of defence, the only thing standing between them and disaster.

But your mission isn’t over.

• Pet-proof like your life depends on it—because theirs does.

• Train your pets to “leave it”—because you know they won’t.

• Lock away toxins and stash your vet’s number—because, at some point, someone will eat something they shouldn’t.

• Stay alert—because hesitation can turn a close call into a crisis.

Most importantly? Never assume your pet knows what’s safe and what’s not.

Dogs will eat first and regret it later.
Cats will knock something off the counter just to watch it fall.
Rabbits will chew indiscriminately and then act surprised when their stomach rebels.

That’s why they need you.

So, go forth, brave survivalist. Keep your pets safe. Keep your home disaster-proof. And if, despite all your efforts, you hear that unmistakable crash from the next room?


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