A Stress-Free Move for You and Your Cat

A Stress-Free Move for You and Your Cat


Moving to a new home is stressful enough without having to worry about how your cat will adjust to their new environment. Cats are notoriously fussy and particular—which is part of the reason why we love them—but this can make the move very stressful for your feline bestie. Avoiding stress will avoid aggression, unwanted soiling, running away, excessive crying, and any other hissterics (for both you and the kitty!).

There is a lot of legend surrounding the best tips and methods for helping your cat adapt to their new home and we have sorted the best from the rest. The moving process can be divided into three main steps: the preparation, the move and, finally, adapting to the new environment.


Unusual activity around the house like packing boxes and moving things around can be unsettling so sticking to your cat's routine will soothe them during this time. This includes feeding, play, and attention.

If your cat is prone to stress and anxiety, or is unfamiliar with their pet carrier try and get them used to the carrier before the move. Place the carrier on the floor with the door open and place their bed inside. You can even try enticing them with treats inside the carrier to develop a pawsitive association.

Certain cats can become severely distressed when travelling in cars and carriers so it may be necessary to get anti-anxiety medication prescribed from your local vet if you foresee bigger problems ahead.


It is a good idea to make a comfurtable, secure, and quiet spot for your cat while boxes and furniture are being moved out of the house. Put some food, water, and a litter box together with a comfy bed.

Ensure that your pet carrier is comfortable inside and placed in a secure spot. Try not to open the carrier doors to soothe your cat unless absolutely necessary, and only do so when the windows and doors of the vehicle are properly shut to prevent a frantic runaway kitty. Also be sure to give them a small breakfast in the morning to prevent an upset tummy.

Adapting to The New Home

To allow your cat to settle into their new environment, set them up in their own space like a spare room or bathroom. Set it up with their bed, litter, water, food, and favourite toys before letting bringing them in and letting them out the carrier - the feeling of familiarity will help you start off on a good foot. This spot should be their temporary base for at least a few days so that they can get used to the sounds and smells of the new home in a low-stress environment and in their own time.

Some other important things to note:

  • Spend time with your cat in the temporary room in a relaxed way so they feel comfortable.

  • Make sure to secure the new home to ensure your cat does not escape and get lost: ensure that doors, windows and or screens are properly closed when your cat begins to investigate the new house.

  • Limit roaming from room to room where possible so they can adjust gradually.

  • Make sure your kitty is microchipped and has a collar with your number on it in case he or she does go for a walk and gets lost.


Browse our wide array of litter boxes, carriers, and toys in our webstore to make your cat’s move as comfortable as possible without any major catastrophes.