Tick & Flea Season

Tick & Flea Season

Petworld |

It's Summertime! The time when one yearns to get up and out early to take energising and blissful nature walks with our furry friends.

Although the khakibos is calling, be prepared and armed with your Vondis khakibos repellent spray.

Parasites are no pleasure. So before you take a walk on the wild side, take a walk to PETWORLD and stock up on some useful supplies to be on the safe side first.

1. Keeping our paw-nivorous friends' immunity strengthened on a nutritious diet consisting of raw food such as this delicious PETS ELITE DEHYDRATED RAW FOOD is the first step to ensuring that they are an undesirable host.

2. Supplements like KYRON PROTEXIN SOLUBLE and deterrents such as PETS HEALTH SPRAY will ensure that your pet is not first to be picked from the pack.

3. Wash away your companion's woes with MARLTONS TICK & FLEA DIP for both dogs and cats.

4. Once you have removed those unwelcome guests, soothe those painful itches by gently spreading GERMICIDAL BARRIER OINTMENT to treat open and contaminated wounds.

5. This nifty TICKLESS Ultrasonic tick and flea repeller device fasten onto your pet’s collar. It is an effortless way to keep those pesty parasites away for up to 6 - 12 months.

Sometimes though, we get so caught up in living in the moment, that we can unexpectedly find ourselves in an incredibly undesirable tick or flea infestation.

Panic not, there is a quick fix... BRAVECTO CHEW starts killing fleas within 2 hours of use!

Ticks and Fleas could potentially make our best pals very ill and anaemic, so if you notice your pet looking lethargic, book an appointment to visit your vet.

Also, do remember to check yourself as well! Us humans tend to be tasty too.

No ticks shall be getting any treats this season.

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